The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has filed a law suit to prevent California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) from adding Bisphenol A (BPA) to its Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity. The trade group, alleges that the state’s current proposal to list BPA is contra to its own scientific process because it allows staff to overturn a the conclusion by the state’s panel of experts, which determined in 2009 and determined that BPA should not be listed under Proposition 65. After the committee determined not to list the chemical, The NRDC petitioned OEHHA to add BPA instead under the authority to list chemicals that are listed under other authoritative bodies. The Complaint in the case which was filed in Sacramento Superior court to stop the listing.
Plastics made with BPA are used in can liners and other plastic containers such as water bottles.