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Governor’s Prop 65 Strategy-Change the Regulations

Posted in Agricultural Law, Prop 65, Real Estate Acquisitions and Dispositions, Real Estate Development

According to the California Environmental Insider, Governor Brown’s 2014-15 draft budget contains a proposal to allocate almost $800,000 to OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment) to revise the Prop 65 regulations and to finance the development of a website to provide detailed information about listed chemicals. Also according to CEI there does not appear… Continue Reading

EPA Publishes Final Environmental Site Assessment Rule Accepting ASTM E1527-13 as Superceding Existing ASTM E1527-05

Posted in Environmental and Land Use, Hazardous Waste, Real Estate Acquisitions and Dispositions, Real Estate Development

As we discussed in our prior blog the new ASTM standard E1527-13 had been promulgated and that industry was critical of EPA for accepting both standards, despite the fact that E1527-13 was expressly drafted to resolve continuing issues with E1527-05.  On December 30, 2013, however,  EPA published a final rule finding that ASTM E1527-13, released on… Continue Reading

New ASTM Standards for Due Diligence and Why You Should be Aware of Them

Posted in Due Diligence, Environmental and Land Use, Hazardous Waste, Real Estate Acquisitions and Dispositions, Real Estate Development, Real Estate Litigation, Secured Lending and Finance

WHY YOU NEED TO ENGAGE IN DUE DILIGENCE PRE-ACQUISITION Prior to purchasing or leasing property, it is necessary in most instances to engage in at least a screening environmental review.  The purpose of a pre-transaction investigation is two-fold:  first, to determine whether there are issues that must be dealt with in the relevant agreement (or… Continue Reading

Preliminary Endanger­ment Assessment (PEA) Guidance Manual Released in Draft by DTSC

Posted in Due Diligence, Environmental and Land Use, Real Estate Development

The Department of Toxic Substances Control has released a revised ver­sion of its Preliminary Endanger­ment Assessment (PEA) Guidance Manual.  The manual is used to perform an initial evaluation of contaminat­ed property. This is the most recent version since 1999.  This version was intended to include information required by the All Appropriate Inquiry (“AAI”) standard included… Continue Reading